
Our Mission 
MiArtStudio.com is being warmly welcomed by the inlay arts community, both here in the US and overseas. This is encouraging, gratifying and exciting. It causes us to think more deeply about how we can make a worthwhile contribution.

"You are doing a good thing for the whole field. I hope you garner lots of publicity. It's a resource for anyone interested in marquetry and inlay." 

"My goodness, what a worthwhile project you've launched in such an unknown (and therefore under-appreciated) field. In my case, you're singing to the choir as I've loved the medium for a long time, but had never found any contemporary workmanship of comparable quality until now. What a revelation!"
Alastair Duncan

The Marquetry and Inlay Arts
  • Discovering the best of the marquetry and inlay arts: fine art, craft and design
  • Reporting on the contemporary inlay arts community
  • Promoting the top talents creating today's inlay arts Renaissance
     * 'The Mi' in MiArtStudio.com is an acronym for the marquetry and inlay arts (pronounced 'my').

Our mission - from an economic sustainability viewpoint:
  • www.MiArtStudio.com  is a tool where professional marquetry and inlay arts artists are developing a community and marketplace with architects and designers to better meet the aspirations of their clients.
  • We are building a 'community of practice' (as defined in Clay Shirky's book 'Here comes everybody') that is meant to include all of the leading marquetry and inlay artists and studios.
  • MiArtStudio also functions as a gallery to showcase the artists' custom design and work that is available now as well as a shop for gifts and accessories.
  • MiArtStudio.com is looking to partner with woodworking and design schools and other resources that help the inlay arts community grow and improve.
  • The MiArtStudio.com community and marketplace is subsidized by commission revenues from its gallery referrals, webstore sales and affiliate sales via the blog.
  • MiArtStudio.com creates awareness and excitement about these remarkable art forms that have been a 'best kept secret' of the decorative arts for too long and are now at the dawn of a 21st century renaissance.

MiArtStudio blog's guest posting and comments policy

Many of my correspondents prefer to comment via email and other media. Rather than loose the value of their insights to our community, I've adopted the following policies:
  • Place insightful quotes from conversations into the comments field of a post
  • Use only positive quotes that are true to the source's original intent
  • Seek permission to publish the material in this context
  • Immediately correct or remove material when asked
MiArtStudio blog will feature interviews, articles, videos and guest posts that promote greater appreciation and support for the marquetry and inlay arts.

MiArtStudio.com has eight main sections:
  1. Home: The main site is the nexus for announcing what's new and the central hub for the eight site sections: Home; Gallery; News; About; Blog; The Marquetry and Inlay Arts; Webstore and Contact.
  2. Gallery: The gallery presents the roster of leading marquetry and inlay artists/studios, including their professional profiles and portfolios.  
  3. News: This is where we will keep you up to date on new developments and features on the MiArtStudio.com site. Check here frequently because we will be making lots of improvements. Feel free to use the comments section to suggest needed improvements. This is also the central hub for our communications outreach, including, but not limited to our semimonthly newsletter, social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Triiibes and Squidoo), social bookmarking, publicity (PR NewsWire), and Skype.
  4. About: Here we tell you about who we are and our vision for MiArtStudio.com. We also explain about the eight site sections.
  5. Blog: The blog is where artist/studio news, projects, events, issues and community are discussed, illustrated with high quality images and supported by relevant affiliate product links.
  6. The Marquetry and Inlay Arts: The central theme of this site is the marquetry and inlay arts. Here we explain what the these art forms are.
  7.  Webstore: The webstore is a catalog of fine art; wall decor; furniture; accessories; books and media that are ready to order via the secure amazon webstore system.
  8. Contact: This is where you can get our contact information.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of very good ideas and great content. Keep it up!


You are welcome to make comments and participate in making this blog valuable!