Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Studio Job's "Industry" marquetry collection

MiArtStudio's present goal is to introduce you to the leading contemporary marquetry and inlay artists

I want to give you a brief profile of each, show a few images from their portfolio and share my enjoyment of their art. I'm moving laterally from artist to artist, not worrying about chronology. I plan to catch up with the present in due course, get into the traffic and start focusing on what's new/next.
I was starting a post on Pieter Maes's marquetry portfolio, but got sidetracked by Justin McGuirk on design about Studio Job's Industry Collection. What to do, stay on mission or jump in with the traffic? As usual, the answer is "both and more..." :-)

'Industry' Table
"Dutch/Belgian design duo Studio Job treat furniture as sculpture, creating a beautiful tale of industry's demise that looks back to the arts and crafts movement." 
(from "Is it design, or is it ... art?" by Justin McGuirk)

'Industry' Screen

"Marquetry is an amazing craft. Studio Job takes the traditional technique and adds some contemporary twists for their “Industry Series,” which will be on display from today at Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London." (from Selectism

'Industry' Table

Studio Job has previously exhibited in "Telling Tales" at the Victoria and Albert Museum. “Industry Series” will be on view through May 8, 2010. Carpenters Workshop Gallery is located at 3 Albermarle St, London, W1s. (via Dezeen).

If you enjoyed being blown away by "Industry", try Alan Carroll's review of "The Perished Collection" at his Surface Fragments blog.

The 'Perished' Collection Screen

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